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Music Ministries

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Music Ministries

Choir Schedule (Sept-May)

Adult Handbell Choir:

Thursdays at 6:30 pm

Adult Vocal Choir:

Thursdays at 7:30 pm

Children’s Vocal & Chime Choir:

Sundays at 9:15 am

It has been said that hymnody is like a folk tradition.

Music at Christ Presbyterian Church, Camp Hill

Its heritage must be recreated, loved, and passed on from generation to generation through “participation”

Our Choirs invite YOU to PARTICIPATE, to GROW, to MINISTER, to SHARE, to find personal SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT and to SERVE GOD with through music!

Music at Christ Presbyterian Church, Camp Hill

Music ministry is a wonderful way to connect deeply with worship, learn new skills, have fun, and meet new friends. All are welcome to participate.   Contact the Director of Music with any questions.

Adult Handbell Choir:

Rehearsals are held in the sanctuary, Thursday nights from 6:30 PM – 7:15 PM. The choir offers musical selections and hymn accompaniments in worship at various times throughout the year. Basic ringing skills are helpful for full participation in this choir.

Adult Vocal Choir:

Rehearsals are held in the choir room (behind the sanctuary) Thursday nights from 7:30  – 8:30 PM. The choir sings an anthem most Sundays from September through May and during special evening services throughout the year. There are also opportunities for solo work, especially in the summer. All voice parts are  welcome and needed. There is no audition necessary, only a love of singing and a commitment to the ensemble.

Children’s Vocal & Chime Choir:

Rehearsals are held in the Sanctuary for children Kindergarten through grade 12. The children’s choir offers their gift of music in worship quarterly and during special seasons in the life of the church, including Christmas Eve.

For additional information on choirs or to get involved, Jordan Carey, Director of Music.